Monday 19 November 2012

Life and Good Health...Vernonia amygdaline (The Bitter Goodnesses)

Sorry i dont know how to mince words, you may not like this but i got to say it.

We care less of our health until we get to a point of no return to become aware of our carelessness. 

Definitely, we are the course of our problem we know the destructive powers of Sugars yet we take them every day in huge amount.
We feed ourselves with things that get our Immune System down thereby affecting our general health, exposing us to so many diseases.
It is always said that things that get physical can't kill us but the things that gets inside. And when it looks ugly on the outside, the inside has nothing to write home about because it all starts from the inside.
The internal environment which is the inside of the human body is powerful yet too delicate and demands a greater part of our cautiousness to help it's powerfulness this is the fact that we failed most times to put into consideration when making our daily life choices starting from the food we eat hence our eagerness counter feeding  ourselves with food that does not support health. 
They were made for life on the go, quick grabs to suit the fast life, comes in shiny packs, quick and easy 2 minutes junks heavily ladened with metals and oxidative elements does it mean these foods are  good for your health? 
We live in a world that cares not and you are sole responsible for your life, healthy and longevity. 
These chemically processed food and artificially synthesized foods including the artificially grown agricultural products have tons of preservatives and bad chemicals, these chemical based substances can trigger off so many abnormalities in human immune system depending on the level of in-take, even though every little in take counts.
(Note that: these chemicals poses a high risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes ..etc.).
The level of toxicity we expose ourselves to is alarming starting from the food we eat down to  our body creams, drinks, canned water, in fact our day to day life is in greater risk of one disease or the other. 
However, there is a choice for us in it all if only you can detoxify and boost your immunity.
The good news is, nature has its way of getting things back to normal holistically. Nature blessed human with all kinds of fruits and herbs each unique and powerful but the question is, can guarantee ourselves a real good life and to turn GREEN? 
Can we choose to Live Green Life incorporate these wonderful herbs with great healing properties into our daily lives to gain from their ANTIOXIDANT benefits?
Herbs like
✓ Phyllanthus urinaria
    commonly known as chamberbitter,              gripe weed, shatterstone, stonebreaker.
✓Azadirachta indica
    commonly known as Neem leaves 
✓Gongronema latifolium
    commonly known as Utazi, bushbuck

For this post the herb of utter interest is

Venonia Amygdalina
    commonly  known as Bitter leaf.
Vernonia amygdalina is an African medicinal plant of great importance its fresh leaves are anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibiotics and analgesic rich and brings about it's several uses in treatment of many illnesses like diabetes, fever, worm, diarrhea, lower cholesterol levels, anemia, inflammatory disorders, microbial infections etc and lastly it's anticancer properties which have been studied by group of scientists at BMRAT.

For Journals on benefits of V.amygdalina click the links below;

The cytotoxic effect of Vernonia amygdalina Del. extract on myeloid leukemia cells.

Conclusion: The V. amygdalina Del. extract strongly inhibited the acute myeloid leukemia cell line K562. It was found to arrest the cell cycle and induce apoptosis by regulating the expression of related genes that predicted targeting BCR-ABL downregulation.
How do you live green?
Simply include the natural fruit, fiber and herbs that GOD have given to us at our  dispose into your daily diets.

Get Venonia Amygdalina into your Life and Save your Health
by Jenny cider
Bitter Leaf photo by Jenny cider

by Jenny cider
Bitter leaf photo: by Jenny cider
by Jenny cider
Bitter Leaf photo: by Jenny cider

For the greater health benefit of Venonia Amygdalina (Bitter Leaf) try and drink its juice and chew its leaf.
This is a holistic approach to a wide range of ailment and among the best choice for detoxification and rejuvenation.  
Get your health in the right track, set your immune system to an alkaline level with V. Amygdalina.
To help save your life and health, make a quarter glass of Venonia Amygdalina every  day THEN watch yourself conquering.

Your health is important.

For Venonia Amygdalina leaves, email me on and i will give you the very assistance you needed.

This information is at user digression and should not replace the advice of your healthcare professionals.

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